sponsor a 2022 Swim For Life team


One in five Australians (20.1%) reported a mental or behavioural condition in 2017–18 – Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) National Health Survey: First Results, 2017–18.

our vision

For all people to openly communicate for wellness daily, in a society free of stigma and judgement.

our mission


Mens Talk will collaborate with the community to mainstream conversation around wellness and masculinity for all who identify as male.

how we are going to achieve this

open spaces


Safe and supportive small group settings that encourages men of all backgrounds to share, connect and experience.

table talk


Regular video podcasts highlighting how unique lived experiences have profound impact on masculinity.

mens talk expo


Community event driving collaboration between all entities involved in assisting others towards a better life.

swim for life


Each year athletes, participants and sponsors raise funds and awareness for a campaign dedicated to men’s mental health.

At some point we have to stop pulling people out of the river and go upstream to find out why they are falling in

Be Well Co: Investing in
Our Mental Wellbeing

Building the mental health and wellbeing of your people! Be Well Co is an entity of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI). Be Well Co is a leading provider of evidence-based mental health and wellbeing solutions to organisations, with proven results for individual wellbeing and organisational performance.